Unova Pokémon Have Begun Invading ‘Pokémon GO’ [FULL LIST]

Unova Pokémon in Pokémon GO (Nintendo/The Pokémon Company)
Smartphone juggernaut Pokémon GO has expanded its creature pool once again, bringing in Pokémon from the series’ Unova region. Select Pokémon hailing from Black and White are now available to catch and hatch, including the three starters: Snivy, Tepig and Oshawott. As expected, some Pokémon will be region specific; Durant will reside in the Eastern hemisphere, Heatmor will occupy the Western hemisphere and the elemental monkey trio of Pansage, Pansear and Panpour only roam in specific regions. Following the standard set by the Sinnoh Stone, this update also introduces the Unove Stone, which is required to evolve certain creatures. Currently, the only way to acquire one of the rocks is to perform a Research Breakthrough, requiring players to complete seven research tasks.
Here’s the complete list of fifth generation Pokémon that are currently available and how to obtain them:
Gen 5 Pokemon | How To Obtain |
Snivy | Wild, 5 km eggs |
Servine | Evolve Snivy |
Serperior | Evolve Servine |
Tepig | Wild, 5 km eggs |
Pignite | Evolve Tepig |
Emboar | Evolve Pignite |
Oshawott | Wild, 5 km eggs |
Dewott | Evolve Oshawott |
Samurott | Evolve Dewott |
Patrat | Wild, Raids, 2 km eggs |
Watchog | Evolve Patrat |
Lillipup | Wild, Raids, 2 km eggs |
Herdier | Evolve Lillipup |
Stoutland | Evolve Herdier |
Purrloin | Wild, 2 km eggs |
Liepard | Evolve Purrloin |
Pansage | Asia Pacific-exclusive |
Simisage | Evolve Pansage |
Pansear | Europe, Middle East, Africa, India-exclusive |
Simisear | Evolve Pansear |
Panpour | Americas, Greenland-exclusive |
Simipour | Evolve Panpour |
Pidove | Wild, 2 km eggs |
Tranquill | Evolve Pidove |
Unfezant | Evolve Tranquill |
Blitzle | Wild |
Zebstrika | Evolve Blitzle |
Drilbur | Wild, 5 km eggs |
Excadrill | Evolve Drilbur |
Foongus | Wild, 5 km eggs |
Amoongus | Evolve Foongus |
Ferroseed | Wild, 10 km eggs |
Ferrothorn | Evolve Ferroseed |
Klink | Raids, 10 km eggs |
Klang | Evolve Klink |
Klinklang | Evolve Klang |
Litwick | 10 km eggs |
Lampent | Evolve Litwick |
Chandelure | Evolve Lampent (via Unova Stone) |
Golett | 10 km eggs |
Golurk | Evolve Golett |
Heatmor | Western hemisphere-exclusive |
Durant | Eastern hemisphere-exclusive |
Deino | 10 km eggs |
Zweilous | Evolve Deino |
Hydreigon | Evolve Zweilous |