2K Responds To Backlash From Ad Inclusion in NBA 2K21

NBA 2K21

NBA 2K21

Last week, it was reported by the website Stevivor that 2K Games added unskippable ads to NBA 2K21. After the website posted a video showing an ad example 2K received a hefty backlash from the NBA 2K community and the gaming public. After receiving such a negative reaction, 2K has released a response on Twitter.

The statement reads as follows: “As many are aware, in recent years ads have been integrated into 2KTV segments. Yesterday’s 2KTV ad placement impacted our players’ experience in a way we didn’t intend, as these ads are not meant to run as part of the pre-game introduction. This will be fixed in future episodes, thanks for your continued feedback.”


This is not the first time the NBA 2K series received backlash about in-game ads, as last year’s title was also criticized for including advertisements in the game. However, unlike last year’s game,  it seems that 2K isn’t planning on removing ads from NBA 2K21 but will instead move them around. Seeing that NBA 2K21 is a $60 game on PS4 and Xbox One, with the upcoming PS5 and Xbox Series X games costing an additional $10, that also includes microtransactions, it’s easy to see why so many players are so annoyed with these inclusions.

NBA 2K21 was released on November 4 for current-gen systems, with next-gen versions arriving on November 10 and 12.

Get deals on NBA 2K21 here!

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