VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: ‘Arrow’ Star Emily Bett Rickards Reveals Her Favorite Video Games & How To Win At Them

'Arrow' star Emily_Bett_Rickards (Photo: Erik Meers/uInterview)

'Arrow' star Emily_Bett_Rickards (Photo: Erik Meers/uInterview)

Arrow star Emily Bett Rickards recently sat down with our parent site, uInterview, to discuss her acting career. She also opened up about one of her hobbies: video games. Rickards professed her love for Mortal Kombat and Left 4 Dead, and shared her strategies for overwhelming her friends in their multiplayer competitions.

Full interview transcript below:

Q: What are your favorite video games?

Yes, Mortal Kombat and Left 4 Dead. They are games I sort of grew up on. They were button smashing games, and then, you know, they were just sort of like great games to come home and play with your friends, and also just like aggression games. You know, get it all out and, yeah, my best friend and I used to like have dinner night and just play like Mortal Kombat until we were both too tired to do anything else. Good way to spend your time in an educational.

Q: What are your game strategies?

Distract the other person with jokes while you’re playing. That usually works.

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