CD Projekt Red Apologizes For ‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Bugs After Elon Musk Complains

Cyberpunk 2077 (Image courtesy of CD Projekt Red)

Cyberpunk 2077 (Image courtesy of CD Projekt Red)

Last week, Cyberpunk 2077 was finally released to critical acclaim on PC but panned on consoles. Many took issue with the numerous bugs, technical issues and poor framerate performance that plagued the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game, especially on the base systems. While developer CD Projekt Red has released some new patches to make the game stabler on last-gen systems, it still wasn’t enough for many who expected the game to run on consoles.

It was so unfortunate that the founder and CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk, screen-capped a subreddit of one user expressing dissatisfaction with the PS4 version of the game. CD Projekt Red has released an official apology on all of Cyberpunk 2077‘s social media accounts.

In their statement, CD Projekt Red promises to release updates and patches for the game in the future, with the first major patch to arrive a week from now. The company has also started to issue refunds for anyone dissatisfied with the game, which was already confirmed when Sony started issuing PlayStation users refunds for the game’s PS4 version.

Cyberpunk 2077 is now available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. An updated version for the PS5 and Xbox Series X will arrive sometime in 2021.

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