May 2021 PlayStation Plus Free Games Revealed

PS Plus

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Have you ever bought a pair of shoes, think they’ll be your favorite, but then never wear them? I have at least three pairs of shoes in my closet I bought enthusiastically imagining they’d become my new go-to pair, but the fate of those shoes remain the same as the overly-ambitious yellow jacket I bought online: to go unseen.

Are you here for the PlayStation Plus games? Oh, I understand. I’ll get back to the shoe conversation later, but for now, let’s take a look at the new slate of games coming in at $0 for PlayStation Plus subscribers.

Sony’s PlayStation Plus free game for PS5 is Wreckfest: Drive Hard, Die Last. PS4 players can scoop up Battlefield V and Stranded Deep.

Wreckfest looks like a pretty wild time. I’ve heard nothing but good news out of this slam-jam destruction derby game since its release, so it’s great to see that PlayStation 5 owners can further live out their destructive fantasies, likely at a higher frame-rate than their PS4 brethren.

As for the other additions, Battlefield V ought to be a fun time for anyone who thinks they would have fun with it. Also, the spike in active players thanks to PlayStation Plus may lead to shorter queue times. Stranded Deep is a game I’ve known about for a few years and always found pretty snazzy. Survival games need their own style to stand out in the massively-overcrowded genre, so a game about building boats and fighting off sharks certainly satisfies my style requirements.

This is another meaty month for PlayStation Plus subscribers, so get ready for May 4 when all the above games are free for the taking.

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