Nintendo eShop Releases: August 1, 2019

Doom Eternal (Bethesda Softworks)
It’s Thursday again, and three iconic games are exploding onto the Nintendo eShop. As Nintendo’s press release says, “Humanity is DOOMed!”
DOOM (1993), DOOM II (Classic) and DOOM 3 were quietly published onto Nintendo’s digital storefront last Friday, but today Nintendo’s giving Bethesda’s seminal trilogy the attention they deserve. All three are defining texts in this medium that contemporary FPS titles draw inspiration from. Happy 25th, DOOM!
Asmodee Digital’s Pandemic is the biggest release behind the DOOM trilogy, but it details a situation that’s no less brutal on mankind. Here, four viral epidemics have spread across the globe, and it’s up to you and your team to trek across the continents to cure those who’re sick.
Here’s everything Nintendo released on the Switch this week:
- Animal Fight Club
- Arcade Archives ROAD FIGHTER
- Bear With Me: The Lost Robots
- Burger Chef Tycoon – Available Aug. 2
- Catch a Duck
- Chroma Squad
- Classic Games Collection Vol.1
- Damsel – Available Aug. 7
- Divine Ascent
- Dungeon Warfare
- Fobia
- Hamsterdam
- Illusion of L’Phalcia
- Kiai Resonance
- Omega Labyrinth Life
- Raiders of the North Sea
- Robbie Swifthand and the Orb of Mysteries
- Saboteur II: Avenging Angel – Available Aug. 2
- Shinobi Spirits S: Legend of Heroes
- Solo: Islands of the Heart
- Sudoku Relax 2 Summer Waves
- Super Wiloo Demake – Available Aug. 2
- Swaps and Traps – Available Aug. 2
- The Church in the Darkness – Available Aug. 2
- The Forbidden Arts – Available Aug. 7
- The House of Da Vinci