‘PGA Tour 2K21’ Released

'PGA Tour 2K21' Set For August 21 Release
While not a golf fan myself, I understand the joys of the sport as well as the games that accompany it. Games like this are a good birthday gift for your 55-year-old Dad, who has a rarely turned on his Xbox 360 in the past four years.
Golf games are an interesting conundrum because the point of golf is usually to go out on the course with your buddies and hit some balls for eight hours every other Saturday. But now, in a post-COVID world, that reality is impossible. Games like PGA Tour 2K21 bring the relaxing or infuriating vibes of golf depending on how you’re playing.
Playing as your own fictitious golfer with Shooter McGavin commentating does sound like the childhood dream of every middle ager who saw Happy Gilmore as a teenager. I like this shift in tone from the series, instead of playing it straight up, they are trying to add a sense of unhinged absurdity that the real sport is lacking, to draw in older and younger players alike. The 2K series are hit or miss and usually a good rule of thumb is to get every second or third releases since most of them feel like the same game just re-packaged. If you haven’t picked up a PGA Tour in a few years, this may be the game that makes you finally come back to the series.