‘Prince Of Persia’ Remake Will Get Next-Gen Enhancements

'Prince of Persia'

'Prince of Persia'

It would seem that the upcoming remake of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time will be getting special enhancements when playing it on the next-gen systems. Recently spotted by Rest Era user The Praiseworthy, Ubisoft has updated its official online store to add the news of the upcoming improvements to the game. However, what these enhanced features are in the upcoming remake of Sands of Time have yet to be unveiled. Maybe these versions will feature something like Ray-Tracing or improved lighting? What we do know is that you’ll get these features free of charge when you buy the remake of the 2002 game on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Additionally, it seems like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Remake will also feature a version on the Nintendo Switch. However, footage and official images on the Ubi Store are only for the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake was going to be released on January 21, 2021, but will now be released on March 19, 2021, citing issues regarding the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the game’s development.

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