‘Project Luminous’ Revealed As New Film ‘Star Wars: The High Republic’

'Star Wars: The High Republic'

'Star Wars: The High Republic'

When Disney purchased Star Wars for more than $1 billion in 2013, many fans of the franchise were hoping for new Star Wars content. Fans can rest easy now knowing that the film Star Wars: The High Republic is set around 4000 years before Star Wars: A New Hope, and 200 years before the Skyawlker Saga. Original content is on the way!

Technically, this idea isn’t an original one. This film will be sampling from Star Wars comic books and novels, in addition to the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. The video game was not only a commercial success, but a cultural success as well. The game was (maybe still is) regarded as one of the best games ever made because of its gameplay, and plot-twisting ending. Critics in magazines and publications – it’s 2003, remember – ranked the game, no less than 90%, or 4.5 out of 5 stars.

During this time period, the golden age of the Jedi was occurring. The Outer Rim was just being discovered and colonized by the various beings within the galaxy. The game will be a sandbox game, perhaps similar to No Man’s Sky. Viewers will be able to explore various regions across space, indulge themselves into very foreign cultures, and discover what life was really like for the earliest pioneers of the Outer Rim.

‘Star Wars: The High Republic’ Release Date

Some users on Twitter were anticipating the new release of the movie, but others had more than a fair share criticisms to state about the unreleased film. No release date has been given yet for the film.

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