PlayStation Plus Games For January 2021 Revealed

Sony PlayStation 4
Each month, PlayStation Plus has given gamers several games for free, as long as they remain subscribed to the online service. While December’s games were a little underwhelming, PlayStation Plus promises a plethora of high-quality games for subscribers to enjoy in 2021, especially if you have a PS5. Coming in January, Maneater, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Greedfall will be available, as announced on PlayStation blog.
Maneater is an action-RPG that has you controlling a shark as you go around and kill humans, who are part of the game show Maneaters vs. Sharkhunters that were responsible for the death of your mother. The game earned average reviews and received next-gen upgrades in September. Only the PS5 version will be available for PlayStation Plus.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the third and final chapter in the Tomb Raider reboot storyline that started back in 2013. The game sees Lara Croft battling against the evil organization Trinity as she prevents them from unleashing a Mayan Apocalypse on to the world. The game earned positive reviews, though it wasn’t as well-received as the first two entries in the reboot trilogy.
Finally, Greedfall is another action-RPG from developer Spiders set in the Age of Discovery era of history. It earned positive reviews and sold over one million copies worldwide. The game will receive an update that will take advantage of next-gen hardware sometime in 2021.
You have until February 1 to obtain these games.