‘Pokemon: Sword And Shield’ Experiencing Problems On Roku

Pokemon: Sword and Shield (Image: Pokemon)

Pokemon: Sword and Shield (Image: Pokemon)

Last weekend, some players powered up Pokemon: Sword and Shield on Roku TV and were disappointed as the game froze right at the startup and then rebooting. Roku is currently running to fix the issue. 

“We are aware of an issue when using Nintendo Switch and the latest Pokémon game impacting a limited number of Roku devices,” a Roku spokesman said on Reddit. “We are working diligently to resolve this issue.”

People started to complain about their issues on Reddit and other social media platforms. “It’s on about a 10 second interval that it does it. I’ve removed all connected devices from it, attempted a reset, unplugged it for 10+ minutes, and even tried to factory reset the device and still no luck,” one user wrote.

Although Roku couldn’t locate the source of the problem, the company’s suggested advice is to turn the Switch off or put it on airplane mode.  People affected will not be able to play Sword and Shield online while using their smart TV’s at the same time. 

Even though nobody knows why Pokemon: Sword and Shield is having problems, some people have their theories. There is consensus that maybe the issue is stemming from the how the Y-Comm searches for other local players online. Ironically, if you don’t have a smart TV you’re in better shape. 

 A spokesperson for Roku said a solution is on its way. “We are aware of an issue when using Nintendo Switch and the latest Pokémon game impacting a limited number of Roku devices. We are rolling out a software update to resolve it and impacted users can check for the update by going into Settings > System > Software Update.” 



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